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Make It A Floral Thanksgiving, Canada!

If you’re in Canada or have family there, Thanksgiving is just around the corner. It falls on the second Monday in October, and this year that means October 13th, mere days away! Are you looking for the perfect decoration for your feast or maybe for a gift for your host/hostess? Look no further than flowers!

Autumn AdventureEarth's AbundanceLeaves of Autumn

The Perfect Gift

When you arrive at Thanksgiving dinner, you have to bring a gift. But what do you give? Flowers are always the right answer. When you give the gift of flowers, you are giving your hostess a beautiful decoration that she can use immediately. And the options are limitless!

Your local florist can make anything you like in whatever color you want it, given enough time. Think a wreath would be your best option? You can get almost any size you might need in a multitude of styles. Are you just looking for a holiday-themed arrangement that will fit into any Thanksgiving decor? Your local florist can put together something impressive. Don’t be the one who comes to Thanksgiving dinner empty handed, bring flowers!

Decoration Worthy of the Day

Thanksgiving is, at its core, a harvest festival. And what better way to celebrate the harvest than a bouquet of natural beauty? Flowers can be put in an exquisite arrangement for the center of your table or used as accent pieces for any room in your home. They are the perfect decoration because they can be customized in any way you see fit!

Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday. It’s full of food, fun, friends, family … and flowers!

The FSN Turkey Shoot: Having Fun and Meeting Goals

The sales team here at Flower Shop Network, just like the sales people employed by your business, has sales goals. And also like you, we try to find new and interesting ways to motivate our sales team to not only meet but exceed those goals. Our last contest was so successful, we thought we’d share this fun, seasonal idea with all of you. It’s the FSN turkey shoot!


This is our turkey shoot board. Think of it as a large dart board with images of animals acting as the bullseyes.


Here is a list of the potential prizes to be won. Those look awesome! [Read more…]

10 Funny and Heartwarming Thanksgiving Card Messages

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

That’s right, this is the week we’ve all been waiting for. We get to gather together with family and friends, enjoy some quality fellowship and of course eat lots of scrumptious goodies! Since the holiday is later this week, I know you’ve already contacted your local florist and gotten your order in for those Thanksgiving arrangements, right? Right?

Thanksgiving Feast Orange Unique

Hmm … you’re lack of response is disturbing. Well, no worries. If you haven’t, there’s still time. Just click here to enter your zip code, find your local florist and start ordering! And since you’re going to need to add a card to that order, I thought I might offer up 10 funny and heartwarming Thanksgiving card messages.

Thanksgiving Card Messages

  1. Here’s hoping you have a better day than the turkey. Happy Thanksgiving!
  2. Forever thankful for your love and friendship.
  3. I love you more than cranberry sauce!
  4. You have my thanks every day, but today you also get flowers!
  5. You’re sweeter than my Aunt Myrtle’s pumpkin pie!
  6. Grateful to have you in my life this Thanksgiving Day.
  7. Your stomach may be full, but here’s a feast for your eyes!
  8. You’ve been cooking all week, but don’t be confused. This flower is not for baking.
  9. A heartfelt “Thank You” to you and yours this Thanksgiving Day.
  10. A little fall beauty to add to your bountiful feast.

Can you think of some funny or heartwarming card messages? Add them to the comments below! Have an amazing Thanksgiving!!

Enjoying a Thanksgiving Potluck with FSN

Flower Shop Network is going to be closed on Thanksgiving Day, so the FSN family chose to get together this Thursday for food and fellowship.

We decided to go potluck style this year, and let me tell you, some of these folks can cook! Most of the food in these shots is homemade and it was all delicious. Enjoy the images, but let me tell you, the reality was fantastic!

Potluck food

Tables full of food. We had traditional favorites like candied yams and more ethnic fare with homemade hot tamales! Yum!

Care for a Roll

Is this the bread aisle at some local market? No! It’s just a few of the many tasty options we sorted through to fill our bellies.


Shelley looks thrilled with her selections! Well, it wouldn’t be hard. Everything was excellent.

[Read more…]

November Newsletter: Having a Terrific Turkey Day!


November is the month that everyone sets aside for giving thanks, and Flower Shop Network is no different! This month we’d like to take a few sentences to thank you, our florists and customers! Without the talented men and women who take up the challenging mantle of florist in every city and small town in the world, Flower Shop Network would not exist. A person does not become a florist to get rich. Instead, they do it because it’s something they love. Making other people happy during their most special moments in turn makes the florist happy. So to all florists out there, thank you.

For those of you out there who love flowers and bring your business to local florists, thank you. Without you, there would be no local florist to use. The local florist is the life’s blood of the floral industry, and you are the ones that allow them to thrive! So thank you all, and know that Flower Shop Network is committed to doing our part to help the floral industry and local florists flourish!

Happy Thanksgiving!

FSN at the Society of American Florists Convention 2013!

If you didn’t make it to Phoenix, AZ this September, you missed out on an amazing, informative weekend full of conferences, fun and some serious floral beauty! Flower Shop Network was there in force and we’ve got some excellent photos to show you. So sit back, relax and enjoy the show!

The Booth

Here is a photo of the FSN booth. As usual, our setup crew did a great job! But enough with the same old, same old. Let’s take a look at some of the cool stuff!

Continue reading FSN at the Society of American Florists Convention 2013!

Best Reasons to Send Flowers in November!

While we like to say every day is a perfect day to make someone happy with flowers, here are our absolute favorite reasons to spread love and kindness this month.

1. Hanukkah (first day) – November 28th – This is a very special year for the first day of Hanukkah. This is the first and last time Hanukkah will ever overlap with Thanksgiving! People are having fun coining terms like “Thanksgivukkah” and “Hanugivingkkah” just for the occasion. And there are so many beautiful blooms to help you celebrate. White, silver, and blue combinations are the most popular and are a perfect addition to the celebration table.

2.Thanksgiving – November 28th – Time to feast and give thanks with our families! And probably watch some football too. Make your celebration special with a fall-inspired centerpiece. Also, centerpieces make a wonderful gift to send to family and friends unable to come together for the occasion. Show gratitude for love and friendship with flowers

3. November Birthdays – November’s birthday flower is the chrysanthemum. Available in so many different varieties and colors, chrysanthemums will let someone with a special birthday know that you considered their gift carefully. A red chrysanthemum means “I love you” while white chrysanthemums mean innocence, purity, and pure love. Yellow chrysanthemums mean “slighted love.” Ask your local florist to include the beautiful and colorful chrysanthemum in a fresh cut arrangement or to deliver a gorgeous long-lasting blooming plant.

Continue Reading Best Reasons to Send Flowers in November!

Facebook Friday: October Favorites

We provide a Friday recap of all the wonderful posts and pictures from active florists on our Facebook Page. It’s been so much fun seeing all the completely different designs every day. We hope you enjoy these favorites and continue through to see more from each Friday this month:

Fall wreath from Wilma's Flowers in Jasper, AL 

Wilma’s Flowers, Jasper, AL

Gorgeous arrangement from Monday Morning Flower and Balloon Co. in Princeton, NJ

Monday Flowers, Princeton, NJ

Beautiful bouquet designed by Tammi Cribbs of Oran's Flower Shop in Kingston, TN

Oran’s Flower Shop, Kingston, TN

Amazingly creative autumn arrangement by Tom Kenison AIFD of Crossroads Florist in Mahwah, NJ

Crossroads Florist, Mahwah, NJ

Fall bouquet by Honeysuckle Lane in Aurora, NE

Honeysuckle Lane, Aurora, NE

Excellent arrangement from Floral Design in Post Falls, ID

Floral Design, Post Falls, ID

See all Facebook Recap pictures in these posts:

Posey Peddler – A Florist Improving Customer Service!

 Posey Peddler Flowers

As part of Customer Service Week, (October 7th-11th) we wanted to share with you one of our members who is working hard to boost customer service and sales in their flower shop.

A Local Florist Taking Action

Bridgette Mills Arnold, a 30 year veteran of the floral industry, is the owner of Posey Peddler in Joneboro, Arkansas. The shop has been a fixture in the Jonesboro area since 1998 and serves the local community with custom gifts, flowers, plants and home decor.

Recently Bridgette brought in customer service and sales guru Tim Huckabee of Floral Strategies to conduct a workshop with her employees.

Read more about Posey Peddler – A Florist Improving Customer Service!

Don’t Forget the Florals for Thanksgiving!

Bountiful Cornucopia Thanksgiving Tradition

Thanksgiving dinner. Is there a more delicious collection of food gathered together at one meal? Family comes together, gives thanks for the blessings in their lives throughout the past year and shares in a meal prepared to reflect the bounty they have received. It is a time of gratitude, love and appreciation for what and who has blessed your life.

What better way to express those emotions to your friends and family than through a gift of flowers?

Giving Thanks with Flowers

This year, instead of arriving at your dinner with a prepared dish in hand, offer a beautiful fall bouquet to your hostess! She will be far more grateful to receive gorgeous flowers than yet another green bean casserole. The flowers will make the perfect decoration for the festivities and will be a boon to everyone’s day!

Read more about Don’t Forget the Florals for Thanksgiving!

FLOWER CARE TIP After carefully removing the good flowers, clean the vase thoroughly with soapy water to remove any bacteria that could cause the fresh flowers to deteriorate even quicker. Be sure to rinse thoroughly. More Flower Care Tips


Flower Shop Network on Pinterest!

Love flowers? Follow us on the above Social Networks! We are always sharing the latest articles from our Bloomin’ Blog, as well as the most fascinating news on the net!

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FSN Member wins Second Annual Buckwald Scholarship! We would like to congratulate Lavender Hill Florals of Jeffersonville, IN for winning the second annual Buckwald scholarship! Way to go, ladies!

FSN and Rick Rivers at the Ozark Florist Association Convention The Ozark Florist Association held their annual convention on the 13th, 14th, and 15th of September. FSN was there to take part in the festivities and cheer on Rick Rivers as he gave his presentation titled “Marketing in Today’s Climate”. Here are a few photos of what we saw!

A Giving Boss’s Day with FSN Boss’s Day was a roaring success at the FSN offices, and for more than just our bosses! The sales department decided to do something a little different this year to honor Brock and Loranne, the owners of Flower Shop Network. Because our owners are such generous people, the sales department chose to do something that embraced their spirit, something that went beyond the walls of our offices and reached out into the community.

Help make Flower Shop Network‘s monthly newsletter even better! Got questions? Have an idea for a story? With your help, we can make the FSN newsletter just what you want and need. You can drop us a note in the comment section on the blog or email us at social@flowershopnetwork.com. We can’t wait to hear from you!

Happy Thanksgiving From FSN!

The amazing FSN Pie!

We hope you all have a SAFE and happy Thanksgiving!

There is so much for us to be thankful this year. We hope you all count your blessings on this day of “Thanks!”

Last Minute Thanksgiving Centerpieces & Flowers

Bountiful CornucopiaWhether Grandma’s house is across town or across the country, thousands of faithful family members make the trek each and every year at this time. No matter how far the journey, don’t show up empty handed!

Your casserole may not hold up for the trip, so stop by the local florists’ for a lush bouquet of fall flowers. From a small centerpiece to a magnificent cornucopia, most local florists will have extras on hand even this close to Thanksgiving! Simply stop by and pick one up! Not only does Grandma get to enjoy them for Thanksgiving, she can keep them long after you and the family have headed back home.

(Learn the differences in Thanksgiving flower styles here.)

Need Help Finding A Florist?

If you are traveling to a town you are unfamiliar with, you can always use Flower Shop Network’s handy florist finder to find a real local florist anywhere in the US and Canada.

Above all else, have a wonderful and SAFE Thanksgiving holiday.

Thanksgiving Is Just Around The Corner…

If you haven’t decided what you’re bringing to the family or friends get-together… your local florist still has you covered!

Thanksgiving Centerpiece

Click to see more ideas for Thanksgiving centerpieces, arrangements, and cornucopias.

Thanksgiving is the time of year for making family memories. What do you remember from early Thanksgivings with family? Grandma’s dressing and desserts, or was it the hustle and bustle of family coming together to laugh and love with each other? Probably a good mixture of both. These memories we make during Thanksgiving last for a lifetime. Make sure your extended family takes away special memories of food, family and the beauty of the fall harvest.

Whether this Thanksgiving is at your home, or at a family or friends, you can help share the beauty of fall through flowers – always tasteful. Flowers make a wonderful hostess gift to bring.

Your fall decor is a tradition from long ago when our ancestors where still closely connected with the changing of seasons and a bountiful Thanksgiving meant security for the upcoming winter. Celebrate what you have to be thankful for; all of the bounty in your life.

Just remember, show your thanks to your community by shopping local this holiday.


FSN Thanksgiving 2012

Mouth watering yet?

Today we had a feast at FSN! It was Thanksgiving and everyone brought their own delicious contribution to fill all of our buffet tables to the brim. Ham, turkey, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes… you name it, we probably ate it today!

That doesn’t mean we aren’t doing our part to help those that need it. Since school started back, we’ve donated hundreds of items to our local food bank’s School Backpack Program to help students who may not get all that they need at home. Because it’s an ongoing competition between our departments, we have given a ton!

Here are more pictures from today’s Thanksgiving feast!

[Read more…]

Thanksgiving Flowers – Always Tasteful!

Thanksgiving Day FlowersWith Thanksgiving on the horizon, most everyone’s thoughts this November are on the tasty, tasty food we will enjoy on the 22nd. No matter if it’s a extravagant get-together with extended family, or just a small gathering of friends, Thanksgiving is a very special time of closeness.

Skip the Casserole, Bring Flowers

If you’re attending a Thanksgiving party, you can’t arrive empty handed. Sure, you can bring another green bean casserole.. but why not something always tasteful — fall flowers!? They are a great way to say ‘Thanks!” to your hostess for all of her hard work. You’ll never have to worry about bringing the same dish as someone else..

Remember To Buy Local!

Just remember, before you head over to Grandma’s, stop by your local flower shop and pick up a beautiful fall bouquet as your dish to pass. Fall flowers – always tasteful for Thanksgiving dinner.