Flowers empower according to recent studies published by Prevention magazine and Redbook magazine. While an old adage has long suggested that stopping to smell the roses will brighten one’s day, new evidence concludes that even casually glancing at flowers has the same uplifting affect.
According to Prevention magazine’s April 2008 publication, a study at Texas A&M University compared the productivity of two women in a room decorated with abstract sculptures versus the productivity of two women in a room embellished with two potted plants and a floral bouquet. The women in the room with flowers produced 13% more ideas than the women surrounded by abstract art.
April 2008’s edition of Redbook magazine cites a study conducted by Harvard University that asked 50 female participants to keep mood journals during a single day. Half of these women were sent flowers. The leader of the study, Nancy Etcoff, Ph.D., noted that—not surprisingly— these women began the day anxious, nervous, and worried but those who had received flowers noted elevated and more compassionate moods throughout the rest of the day. Ms. Etcoff goes on to suggest that having a visual reminder of life and health “may have a calming and positive effect on the brain.”
With these and other studies suggesting flowers as a way to boost productivity, lift and brighten moods, and put a positive spin on the day, it is no wonder that so many people surround themselves and loved ones with beautiful bouquets, colorful blooms, and decorative green plants. Imagine the smile on the face of a child who receives a birthday blossom at school or the debonair gentleman who places a small flower in his lapel before presenting his beloved with a loving bouquet. The spring in the young man’s step and the glow of the child’s heart are simple expressions brought to life by flowers. Let flowers like these invigorate your day today.
Want to send someone a little FLOWER POWER? Click Here to find a local florist and send flowers today!
Brynn – FSN Support Staff