Valentine’s Day happens every year on February 14th, and it’s one of the most popular times to send flowers to your loved ones! But what is Valentine’s Day really all about? Keep reading to learn more about its history and about the best flowers to send on this special day.
5 Reasons to Send Flowers: Valentine’s Day Edition
February 5, 2019 by 1 Comment
When you do a quick Google search, you find that there are many definitions for love, such as “an intense feeling of deep affection,” “a great interest and pleasure in something,” or “a person or thing that one loves.” Now, when it is described as a verb or put into action, it is to “feel a deep romantic attachment to someone” or to “like or enjoy very much.” So there’s no better way to express your love for someone you “like or enjoy very much” than to send flowers! We have five great reasons to send someone flowers on Valentine’s Day! [Read more…]