Ask the Expert: does the temperature affect the growth of-an indoor plant?
hi, my name is Michaela, i’m in seventh grade, and i’m doing a science project on;
the effect of room temperature on the growth of indoor plants.
if you have the time, could you please answer the question for me? and if you could, please reply as fast as you can, thank you.
I wish I had an easy answer for you but temperature is a relative thing. In others words, temperature effects houseplants differently depending on the genus and species of the plant.
The one constant is that plants do not like abrupt changes in temperatures. Blasts of cold air or hot air can cause problems with the leaves of indoor plants and inhibit or slow the growth of the indoor plant. That is why I always recommend that your place your indoor houseplants away from air vents or door drafts.
Most indoor plants can live comfortably with an indoor temperature range of 68-75 degrees Fahrenheit or 18-24 degree Celsius. Plants that are considered tropical prefer a warmer temperatures while other plants like palms can tolerate lower temperatures. Some plants need a constant temperature all year long while others need a reduced temperature during part of the year to stimulate a dormancy period.
If you want to see for your self how temperature effect plants, choose 3 types of plants and obtain 4 of each kind. Place 1 of each plant in a normal setting of 68-75 degrees. Expose 1 of each kind in the path of an air vent draft or door draft. Expose 1 to a warm temperature and 1 to a cold temperature. Keep the plants at these temperatures constant and watch them for about three to four weeks. You should be able to chart the difference each week. Good Luck and keep me posted.
I would recommend the following plant for your experiment:
Croton as a houseplant
Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema) as a houseplant
Pothos as a houseplant
thank you so much! it really helps! i hope this turns out for the best!