Ask the Expert: Transplanting a healthy anthurium
I was given what appears to be a healthy anthurium plant. It has 6 healthy leaves and is growing another. However, the literature I have read implies that the best growing medium should be more course than the medium in which it is presently growing. The medium appears to be very fine, almost a fine muck. Would it be wise to remove the medium and repot it into a more aereated medium with larger bark particles and less fine peat moss? Thank you for any assistance in this matter. NicNat
Plant Expert Reply:
I’m a live and let live kind of person. If someone or something is happy and healthy with its living conditions, I usually leave it alone. If you decide to transplant plant the Anthurium, you will want to use a humus-rich soil. So what constitutes a humus-rich soil? Soil that has a strong base of organic material (partially decayed plants and animals) and particles that allow for good drainage (course sand, perlite, vermiculite etc) makes for a suitable humus-rich soil. This soil does not have to be extremely course in texture. Your “fine muck”, as long as it drains well, could be a humus-rich soil and the reason the plant is thriving.
When transplanting the Anthurium don’t try to remove the existing soil from the roots. Simply shaking any loose soil from the plants and place in the new pot with humus-rich soil. Be sure to keep the plant level the same as it was in the old pot.
Good luck with your Anthurium and keep me posted.
James – thanks a million for your quick and informative reply. For the time being the anthurium shall remain as is since it appears to be doing so well. There seems to be a \"flower bud in waiting\" near the center but leaves are being slowly produced in the meantime. I know patience is required with plants so I\’ll just enjoy what I have. Again, thanks.
I transplanted mine and ,now it looks,like a big spot is,coming,on some,of the leaves and then that spot,dries,out. Did it hurt it if I got some water on it. Or,do you think it is a disease. This was all within a week of transplanting, i don’t want my other,house,plants to,get a,disease.
You Anthurium could be experiencing shock from the transplant, but it also sounds like it has possibly been affected by bacterial blight, which can be caused by getting the foliage wet. To rid the plant of this disease, you need to keep it dry, and remove all affected foliage and discarding them. Make sure to disinfect your cutting tool between each cut.
My anthurium is in a 9″ pot & growing very large. I would like to split it into 2 or 3 smaller pots. How do I do this without damaging the plant?
Hi Diane,
We have a blog that explains splitting an anthurium plant here: