Danielle asks:
I have several good luck plants, and recently, they have started to develop a white, crusty substance at the lower stem, Do you know what it is?? What should I do about it?? Is it normal?? Is it like calcium deposits from the water?? Please help.
Jamie’s Reply:
There are two possibilities. First if the crusty substance is at the water level it could be calcium deposits. To correct — Change the water using distilled water. The second could be an insect called scale. Scale does not look like the typical insect. The easiest way to find out if it is scale is to scrap the substance with your finger nail — if there is a honeydew substance left you have scale (honeydew is a sticky substance either clear and sticky or rust cloored and slimey) If you have scale use a houseplant insecticide like Fetilome’s Whitefly Spray or any house plant spray containing a pyrethrins or resmethrins. Hope this helps.