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What We Are Really Sending On Valentines Day

We have exactly 6 days til Valentines Day or 5 depending on how you want to count it. Other than Christmas, Valentines Day is the most anticipated holiday. Children can’t wait to see what their parents and friends give them. They anxiously fill out their Valentines cards making sure to include one for each member of their class. Office chatter revolves around what might be sent or done for Valentines Day. Hints are dropped and Valentines Day hopes are whispered. Flowers, balloon, candies and romantic dinners are the gifts sent to loved ones or special friends. But after reading Georgianne’s “Smile Blog” this morning, I realized that although those are the gifts we send on Valentine’s Day, that’s not what we are really sending.

Georgianne (along with her husband) is the owner of Monday Morning Flower and Balloon Co in Yardley Pa. Her blog gives a little insight into this florist’s life and passion. I often read her blog because she has a passion for flowers and a flair for creativity and, of course, because she is proud to be a New Jersey girl.  But the post I read this morning, really spoke to me.  I understand the time and effort that florists put into the week leading up to Valentines Day.  It is like the day after Thanksgiving for retailers except they have to create every item that goes out of their shop.  Many florists go into a Zen like mode the week of Valentines, becoming as Georgianne states  “A well oiled machine indeed.”  So I could relate to everything she expressed in her post.   However, it was the next to the last sentence in the last paragraph that gave me an AHA moment – “Our motto is “Let us help you send someone a smile” and by golly, we’re doing just that!.”

It maybe Monday Morning Flower and Balloon Company’s motto but it is really what we are sending on Valentine’s Day.  All the flowers and all the gifts we send on Valentines Day are a way for us to send what is really important a smile, a hug and the acknowledgment that the person we are sending to is very special and loved by us.

So thanks Georgianne for reminding me why I send flowers on Valentines Day.

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