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Vermont Hiking: What Are These Wildflowers?

Ask The Plant Expert: I just completed backpacking through Vermont. When I reached the VT-NH border, I completed the Appalachian Trail. I took many wildflower photos this past month, and have three that I cannot identify from my limited references.  Please help me identify them.  One may be showy tick trefoil, but I’m not sure.  They may be garden flowers that escaped, but I do not know that for sure. – David

Phytostegia - Obedient plant Phytostegia - Obedient plant

Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply: I believe the flower is a type of  Phytostegia. I’m not sure which species. Phytostegia, also known as Obedient plant, is common throughout most of the United States, especially in Vermont.

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