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Want Something Fun To Do This Week? Visit These Flower Shows!

Celebrate Canada Blooms With Toronto Florists!

This year’s Canada Blooms celebration is being hosted March 18-22 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Florists, floral designers, gardeners, horticulturalists and others will love this show. It’s  Canada’s largest gardening show. How can that be anything less than entertaining?

13 years of hosting Canada Blooms proves that there is something to love in the flowers blossoming in Canadian soil. At the show are six acres–SIX…full…acres–of gardens in full bloom. Don’t just try to imagine the sweet smell that this produces. Enjoy it by joining Toronto florists and gardening enthusiasts at this year’s show!

Want to learn more about gardening? Get excited about four non-stop stages hosting over 200 hours of seminars, workshops and demonstrations. Visitors to Canada Blooms can’t help but learn something interesting while attending these shows.

It’s easy to register and make plans to attend Canada Blooms. Simply visit the Canada Blooms website and you’ll find all of the information that you need!

Why Resist The South Dakota Florists Association Convention?

Mark your calendars for March 20-22, 2009 as the South Dakota Florists Association Convention kicks off this Friday at the Best Western Ramkota Hotel in Pierre, South Dakota. This will definitely be an event to remember for South Dakota florists.

Are you a member of the South Dakota Florists Association? If so, make plans to attend this year’s SDFA Convention in Pierre. Florists who are members as well as non-member florists are encouraged to attend what will be a fabulous time of networking, learning and entertainment.

For more information, visit the South Dakota Florists Association online.

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