Ask the Expert: What kind of plant is this and how can I save it?
Do you know what kind of plant this is? It has flat ‘catus-shaped’ leaves.
Do you know how I can save it? It’s losing a lot of leaves . . .
Please help!
Thanks, Jen
Plant Expert Reply:
This has been a hard one for me. It kind of looks like a fern but not exactly like a staghorn fern. My guess would be either a Phlebodium aureum ‘Mandaianum” (Rabbit Foot Fern) or a Polypodium californiucum.
To make a better identification I would need photos of the back side of the leaves and the area where the leaves are coming from.
From what I can tell, the plant probably has a water stress issue. Is the soil dry? Is any excess water draining from the container? If the soil is dry water it and keep it moist. If the plant is sitting in water re-pot it into a container that has drain holes. Then keep the soil moist but not soggy. I also suggest exposing it to more light.
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