Ask the Expert: What is Deco Flex tubing?
Rec’d a call from one of my wholesalers and they have Deco Flex Tubing that is bright in color and is flexible…I searched the net with no success..Also what is Deco Polymesh Ribbon…and how do you use it?? Gayla
Design Expert Reply:
Deco Flex Tubing (a Craig Bachman product), is a well keep secret of top floral designers. This poly tubing comes in bright colors and is available in an 8mm or 4mm size. The size and color variations allow designers the ability to use it in a variety of applications including underwater and outdoors.
From corsages to bridal bouquets, Deco Flex tubing adds a uniquely luxurious quality to wedding work. Tied to a Valentines Day arrangement, it adds a special touch. When swirled on the inside of a vase, an everyday arrangement becomes extra ordinary. Once designers work with the flexibility of this product, they discover interesting ways to use it.
Deco Poly Mesh Ribbon is another highly versatile product. If your store does alot of Christmas work, you’ll find this ribbon invaluable. The width of the ribbon along with just the right flexibility and stiffness gives you the ability to create bows with a big impact and a minimal need for material.
In fact, you can even make an outdoor Christmas wreath for customers who want more color and less greenery. From tree decorating to flower arrangements or gift baskets, Deco Poly Mesh Ribbon makes a great foundation for most of your Christmas work. It can be used in a multitude of applications for any holiday.
In this Easter basket, Deco Poly Mesh Ribbon was used in the bottom of the basket, over the basket and as the bow supporting the eggs. So as you can see the ways you can use this product are only limited to your creativity.
Your wholesaler should be able to give you more information about the colors and availability of this product. For anyone else interested in this product contact your local wholesaler and ask them about these products or go to and they will help you find a distributor near you.
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I saw the deco poly mesh at Craig Bachman when I was at market. Then I saw a product in a floral whole syndicate called floral mesh. Is this the same product as poly mesh?
I believe it is very similar but flexibility and thickness maybe slightly different.
You can also check out This website has the entire line of deco flex tubing plus ribbon, fabric and more. Also from Craig Bachman Imports.
I love Deco Flex Tubing!! It is simple to use and even just tied around a plainly wrapped package …looks great. We have a growing inventory of Poly Deco Flex Tubing in many colors. It’s very light weight so shipping is reasonable. It really adds a pop of color and dimension to any project like wreath making, bows, floral arrangements, gift wrapping. You can find all sorts of uses for it.
Attached Image: RE300459-royal-blue.jpg
Where can I buy all kinds of Deco Poly Christmas Mesh Ribbon
Ann, most stores that sell ribbon or craft accessories have it. You can also check FGmarket for online vendors here:
We have hundreds of styles, sizes and colors of Deco Poly Mesh® and other poly mesh netting in stock on our website
Ann, You can buy all kinds of Deco Poly Christmas Mesh Ribbon here –