I have a plant that I am not sure what it is. I have a picture. It is starting to look like it is dying. Can you tell me what it is and what basic steps I should take to try and save it. I would appreciate any help you could give me.
Thank you,

The plant you have is a Cyclamen persicum. This plant usually flowers fall to spring. While this plant is blooming keep the root ball moist and feed them every 14 days. Water the plant around the edges and not directly on the crom. If the crom stays to wet it will rot. Remove dead leaves and flowers regularly by twisting them slowly or cutting them.
Cyclamen need to be repotted every two year. Use a light soil mixture and plant the corm high.
Cyclamen prefers a cool room if the plant is kept too warm the leaves will fall off. If the plants are kept too warm and dry, spidermites will attack the plant. If the plant is kept too wet root rot can occur. If kept too warm and wet the plant can develop gray mold.
Water when the soil starts to dry out. Make sure your container drains well.
Jamie, Thank you so much for the information. I beleive my plant is due for repotting. I will inspect for rot too. Again, THANK YOU!