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What to Write in a Card Message-September

Are you wondering what to write in your card message? No worries, we have plenty of examples to get you started! Keep reading for some great card messages for the major holidays in September.

Grandparents Day

Thank you for telling me your stories and sharing your many years of experience and wisdom. I’m a better person for having learned from you. Happy Grandparents Day.

You inspire me to be a better woman/man! Thank you for being my role model and for giving me so much love. Love and miss you! Happy Grandparents Day.

Love is the greatest gift that one generation can give to another, and you have given me so much!

Citizenship Day

It has been an amazing journey watching you earn your citizenship. I’m so proud of you and I’m glad you are my friend. Happy Citizenship Day!

It seems like just yesterday when you started the naturalization process and now it has been five years since you earned your citizenship! What a day to celebrate! Congratulations!


I don’t know what I would do without your constant love and support. Thank you for always being there for me in the good times and the bad. I love you. Happy Anniversary!

My life has been so much better with you by my side. Thank you for encouraging me to be the best person I can be. I love you! Happy Anniversary.


Happy Birthday!! I hope you have a wonderful day and enjoy these beautiful blooms. Wish I could be there in person to celebrate.

You have been my dearest friend and I’m thankful for the many memories we have shared over this past year. Here’s to many more! Happy Birthday!!

Did you find what you were looking for? If not, feel free to leave a comment and we will help you get the perfect message written!

Visit a local florist near you to find beautiful blooms for all your special events in September!

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