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What Is this White Bug With Antennas?

Ask the Expert: a friend of mine has 2 plants botha different kind they both have a lotof these bugs on them the bugs look like real small they have antennas on them like a long but not to long round body like a white body if any one can tell me i would appricate it thanks dee




It sounds like your friends has an infestations of whiteflies. Do they look like the picture to the right?  Although these insect can fly, they often are found on top of the soil.  They can do severe damage to your plants.  I would recommend using an insectide with resmethrin that is safe for housplants to get rid of them.  Fetilome has a product called whitefly & mealybug killer (the main ingredient is resmethrin)  that does a good job of killing them.  You should be able to find it at your local garden center.

Of course, this is just my first thought.  If you can take a picture of them I could give it a positive identification.

Good luck and keep me posted.

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