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Will Peace Lily Flowers Die Off?

Ask the Expert: peace plant
my peace plant is beautiful, I am trying to keep it that way as it is from my husbands funeral, ? THE WHITE FLOWERS HAVE TURNED GREEN , they are still looking good after 2 months are they suppose to die off and when, will they grow back again? Mary

Plant Expert Reply:

As with all flowers, the peace lily blooms will eventually die. When they do follow the flower stalk to the base of the plant and cut it off.   It will rebloom again any where from a few months to a year – depending on the environment and the cultivar. To ensure you give the plant what it needs, I suggest you read our peace lily care instructions.  The key to keeping it healthy is a evenly moist soil and bright filtered light. Good luck and keep me posted.


  1. Linda Newman says:

    I purchased a Peace Lily about a week ago. It is doing great except, a couple of the flowers started to turn brown. Is there a problem with them or is this normal?

  2. Aynsley Broom says:

    Hi Linda,
    The blooms will eventually die. Just be sure to cut the stem at the base of the plant that way they can regrow blooms for the next season. You can read more about peace lily plant care here: https://www.flowershopnetwork.com/blog/flower-plant-care/plant-care/peace-lily-plant-care/

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