Ask the Expert: Is my lily dying?
I repotted my lily a week ago and it has been wilting ever since. The soil I used was garden soil miracle grow. The soil is moist I don’t think it’s over watered. Could it just be in shock? If so how long should it take to come out of it. Some of the leaves are starting to turn yellow.
I’m sure your peace lily is in shock. However, you need to make sure that you have not planted your peace lily too deep. the top of the original root ball should not have any extra soil pile on top of it. When you pot a plant you should keep the plant at the same level as it is in it’s original container. If you have soil piled on top of the peace lily, raise the peace lily so that it is at its original level. It is important to water the plant thoroughly when you repot. So if you didn’t do it at the time, go ahead and water it thoroughly now. Also, if the potting soil you use is for the garden it may be too heavy for the peace lily. Check to see if it is peat based. Houseplants do better in a lighter soil mixture. Reading Peace Lily Plant Care might give you some other tips.