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Bosses Day Half

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Give your boss a break on October 16!

Order your boss to enjoy Bosses Day!

The job is yours! Make Bosses Day special.


Why Celebrate National Boss Day?

Will it get you a raise? Doubtful. Will it be greatly appreciated? Undoubtedly! Any way you look at it giving your boss a gift on Bosses Day is a great idea! Since daily life in the work place normally involves deadlines, quotas, meetings, etc., it is often easy to overlook showing your appreciation to the person for whom you work. Thankfully, October 16 has been set aside each year as the day designated specifically for that purpose, encouraging employees to slow down and consider the hardships and hurdles that “bosses” maneuver while continuing to encourage and inspire employees. These individuals are increasingly playing more diversified roles, acting as mentors, motivators, and team builders, all of which requires an increased amount of involvement and interaction with subordinates.

Remembering your boss on October 16 with something unique from a floral professional will go a long way toward improving supervisor-employee relationships, while increasing awareness of the difficulties and pressures that individuals in management positions face on a daily basis. Job satisfaction and productivity are often directly related to the relationship between employees and bosses. Celebrating Bosses Day by giving your boss a practical or sentimental gift from a local florist is a positive step toward achieving that goal. Order flowers or gifts online today and make your boss’s Bosses Day great