Home | Save money and time when you send flowers through a local florist in the United States or Canada! |
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House Plants | View and send virtual house plants for free. |
Privacy Policy | Flower Shop Networks privacy policy. |
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Wedding Flowers | View and send free virtual wedding flowers. |
Flower Meanings | Find out which flowers carry the message you want to deliver. |
FSN Newsletter | Free monthly email featuring articles based on the knowledge of floral professionals across the country. |
Flower Gallery | Enjoy pretty pictures of flowers. Find the perfect floral arrangement for any occasion and the perfect florist for delivery |
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Floral Holiday Calendar | Use the Floral Holiday Calendar as a reminder of the major floral holidays and special occasions for sending flowers to your family and friends. |
Flower Tips | Following are some tips that will help ensure your complete satisfaction every time you order flowers. |
Reviews | See what consumers using our site and some of our member florists have to say about us. |
Bloomin' Blog | Recent posts from the Bloomin' Blog: |
Winter Flowers to Warm You Up | |
Flowers for Christmas | |
Flowers for a Festive Season | |
November Birth Flowers | |
Give Thanks with Flowers! | |
Spooky & Spectacular Halloween Arrangements | |
Flowers & Plants for Your Boss | |
FSN's Top 10: Fall Bouquets | |
Flowers for your Grandparents | |
Back-to-School Gift Guide | |
Flowers for the New Baby | |
Flowers for your Anniversary | |
Warm Summer Bouquets | |
Top 5 Plants: For Your Office Space | |
Gift ideas for Dad | |
Online Florist Directory | Find a local florist near you. |
Alberta | Newfoundland | Nunavut | Quebec |
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Manitoba | Nova Scotia | Prince Edward Island | Yukon Territory |
New Brunswick |
Link to FSN | Link to Flower Shop Network. |
Banner Archives | Look at our Past Featured Banners. |
Florist Online Signup | Signup with Flower Shop Network Online. |
Order Transfer System | Florist to Florist Order Transfer Service |
Contact Us | Contact Flower Shop Network. |
Florists Only |
Make a connection to the increasing number of consumers and florists using Flower Shop Network (FSN) as a resource to send flowers and gifts. |
Floral and Gift Market | Floral and Gift Market is your complete source guide for thousands of floral and gift industry wholesalers! |
FSN Funeral Homes | FSN Funeral Homes is your complete guide for funeral homes in the United States and Canada. |
FSN Hospitals | FSN Hospitals is your complete guide for hospitals in the United States and Canada. |
El Red de Florerías | Flower Shop Network in Spanish |
American Institute of Floral Designers | The American Institute of Floral Designers(AIFD) was established in 1965 by a small group of leading floral designers dedicated to recognizing and promoting the art of floral design as a professional career. |
U.S. National Arboretum |
The National Arboretum is located in the northeast section of Washington, DC, approximately 10 minutes from the Capitol Building. The National Arboretum was established in 1927 to serve the public need for scientific research, eduation, and gardens that conserve and showcase plants to enhance the environment. |
The Society of American Florists | The Society of American Florists (SAF)is the association that provides marketing, government advocacy, industry intelligence and best practices information for all participants in the U.S. floral industry. |
About Flowers | The Society of American Florists' (SAF) consumer web site about flowers. |