This cascading bridal bouquet features, lush foliage such as willow eucalyptus, seeded eucalyptus, italian ruscus. The floral focal points are David Austin Patience Roses, Faith Blush Roses, Quick Sand Roses, White Stock, & Cream Majolika Spray Roses. This XO Bride wanted a large garden bouquet of whites and ivory with just a pop of blush. Beautiful, fragrant, and romantic bridal bouquet.
Wishing Winds Bouquet
This Bouquet Features White Anemones, Blue Thistle, Patience Rose, Cremones, Blue Thistle, Silver Dollar Eucalyptus, Willow Eucalyptus, Spiral Eucalyptus, & Dusty Miller. Wishful Winds is a garden bouquet that features Anemones the "Wind Flower" and beautiful Cremones that add drama and texture!
Porcelain de la Mere Bouquet
Jamie June @ XOXO Florals&Wine creates a nude blush, ivory and cream bouquet using hydrangea, peonies, roses, and ranunculus.